Back to School 2014-2015

Cártama, 12 de septiembre de 2014. En  Novaschool Sunland International ha dado comienzo  un nuevo curso escolar lleno de ilusión y de proyectos nuevos. El pasado 10 de septiembre, los alumnos de todas las etapas educativas del centro británico llegaban a primera hora a sus aulas en su horario habitual. Además, los servicios de comedor y de autobús comenzaron con su funcionamiento habitual.

Risas, nervios  y llantos, de los más peques, fueron los detonantes de este comienzo del nuevo curso escolar 2014-15. Los niños fueron llegando a las aulas donde sus `seños´ les esperaban con gran entusiasmo y alegría para comenzar un nuevo año lleno de novedades, proyectos e ilusión.

Una jornada diferente en la que todos se pusieron al día de sus vacaciones, disfrutaron del patio y conocieron a sus nuevos compañeros y profesores.A new school year, full of hope and new ideas has started in Novaschool Sunland International. On 10th September, students in all stages arrived at school at the usual time. In addition, the bus and dining room services resumed as normal. With laughter, nerves and tears, the little ones started the 2014-2015 school year. Their teachers were waiting for them with great enthusiasm to start a year full of excitement, fun and interesting activities. It was a special day for everyone, as they shared holiday stories with classmates and teachers. A new school year, full of hope and new ideas has started in Novaschool Sunland International. On 10th September, students in all stages arrived at school at the usual time. In addition, the bus and dining room services resumed as normal. With laughter, nerves and tears, the little ones started the 2014-2015 school year. Their teachers were waiting for them with great enthusiasm to start a year full of excitement, fun and interesting activities. It was a special day for everyone, as they shared holiday stories with classmates and teachers.

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