Preparing Novaschool Sunland students for University

Nuestros alumnos del último año han recibido la visita de representantes de importantes universidades europeas, como parte de su programa de orientación académica. La primera visita fue de la “European Universities Consortium”, una red de instituciones europeas de educación superior que ofrece programas de licenciatura. El Consorcio está integrado por: Università Bocconi (Italia); Jacobs University Bremen (Alemania); Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne (Suiza); IE University (España); Vesalius College (Bélgica); Universidad de Tilburg (Países Bajos); Modul la Universidad de Viena (Austria) y KIT Carl Benz School (Alemania).
La segunda visita fue de la Escuela de Negocios de la UE. El Grupo de la UE es una red de escuelas de alto rango de negocios que ofrecen diversos programas desde los niveles fundamentales de licenciatura (BBA / BA / BSC), maestría (MBA / MSc) y doctorado (DBA). Algunos de los cursos que se ofrecen incluyen Administración de Empresas; Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas; Ocio y Turismo de Gestión; Financiación de empresas; Marketing de Negocios; Gestión Deportiva; Relaciones internacionales; Negocios Internacionales; Emprendimiento; y E-Business.
El Grupo de la UE cuenta con una red global de campus en Barcelona, Ginebra, Montreux y Munich, y con instituciones asociadas en EE.UU., China, Reino Unido, Tailandia, Malasia, Taiwán, México, Brasil, Kazajstán, Canadá y Rusia.
Tanto Miss Victoria como yo, quedamos impresionados con las preguntas que formularon nuestros alumnos y la emoción que sentían después de cada presentación sobre la posibilidad de embarcarse en esta nueva etapa de su educación. Parece que fue ayer cuando les enseñábamos en  Year 7 y ahora ya son adultos que pueden elegir entre diversas universidades.
¡No podríamos estar más orgullosos! Pulse aquí para ver más fotos.Preparing Novaschool Sunland students for University
Our senior students were recently visited by representatives from leading European Universities as part of their careers and guidance programme. The first visit was from the “European Universities Consortium” which is a network of European Higher Education Institutions offering Bachelor Degree Programs. The Consortium is composed of: Università Bocconi (Italy); Jacobs University Bremen (Germany); Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (Switzerland) ; IE University (Spain); Vesalius College (Belgium); Tilburg University (The Netherlands); Modul University Vienna (Austria) and KIT Carl Benz School (Germany).
The second visit was from EU Business School. The EU Group is a network of high-ranking business schools offering various programs at the foundation level, bachelor’s (BBA/BA/BSc), master’s (MBA/MSc) and doctoral (DBA) levels. Some of the courses they offer include Business Administration; Communication & Public Relations; Leisure & Tourism Management; Business Finance; Business Marketing; Sports Management; International Relations; International Business; Entrepreneurship; and E-Business.
The EU Group has a global network of campuses in Barcelona, Geneva, Montreux and Munich, and with partner institutions in U.S.A., China, U.K., Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Mexico, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Canada and Russia.
Both Miss Victoria and I were impressed with the questions our students asked and the excitement felt after each presentation towards the prospect of embarking on this next stage in their education. It seems like only yesterday we were teaching some of these students in Year 7 and now they are all grown up and applying to various universities. We couldn’t be prouder! Click here for more pictures.Preparing Novaschool Sunland students for University
Our senior students were recently visited by representatives from leading European Universities as part of their careers and guidance programme. The first visit was from the “European Universities Consortium” which is a network of European Higher Education Institutions offering Bachelor Degree Programs. The Consortium is composed of: Università Bocconi (Italy); Jacobs University Bremen (Germany); Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (Switzerland) ; IE University (Spain); Vesalius College (Belgium); Tilburg University (The Netherlands); Modul University Vienna (Austria) and KIT Carl Benz School (Germany).
The second visit was from EU Business School. The EU Group is a network of high-ranking business schools offering various programs at the foundation level, bachelor’s (BBA/BA/BSc), master’s (MBA/MSc) and doctoral (DBA) levels. Some of the courses they offer include Business Administration; Communication & Public Relations; Leisure & Tourism Management; Business Finance; Business Marketing; Sports Management; International Relations; International Business; Entrepreneurship; and E-Business.
The EU Group has a global network of campuses in Barcelona, Geneva, Montreux and Munich, and with partner institutions in U.S.A., China, U.K., Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Mexico, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Canada and Russia.
Both Miss Victoria and I were impressed with the questions our students asked and the excitement felt after each presentation towards the prospect of embarking on this next stage in their education. It seems like only yesterday we were teaching some of these students in Year 7 and now they are all grown up and applying to various universities. We couldn’t be prouder! Click here for more pictures.

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